labIT PRO Lite
My Azure Simulator labs can now be accessed at
This free version of labIT PRO Suite provides you the ability to complete common Azure exercises without the need for an Azure subscription.
It's always the same thing. You enroll in an Azure course for a couple bucks but then you have to pay for the resources you deploy in your own Azure subscription while you learn.
Well, now you can learn how to perform typical tasks in Azure without the need for a live Azure subscription. This simulator gets you access to a simulated Azure environment, where you can perform many different Azure tasks, like deploying a resource group or provisioning a virtual network, without spending a dime in Azure charges!
By the time you finish the exercises in this simulator, you'll know how to actually DO many of the things you learned about in your online Azure courses!
Students who complete the simulated activities in these lab simulations will come away with an understanding of how to actually put into practice what they learn.
AZURE COMPUTE: Learn, step-by-step, in a hands-on fashion, how to deploy Azure Resource Groups and Azure Virtual Machines.
AZURE NETWORKING: Learn, step-by-step, through a hands-on lab, how to deploy and configure Azure networking components, including Azure Virtual Networks and Subnets. You'll even get to configure vNet Peering.
AZURE STORAGE: Learn how to deploy and configure a General Purpose V2 storage account, how to provision an Azure File Share, and how to create directories within an Azure File Share.