What the Course Covers

Learn How to Deploy, Configure, and Manage Azure Virtual Machines via the Azure Portal

Deploying and Managing Azure Virtual Machines is a 3-hour demo-heavy course that's designed to be the "next step" for those who have completed my AZ-900 course, entitled "AZ-900 Exam Prep: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals". However, it's also a fantastic course on its own - and it teaches the student how to deploy and manage Azure virtual machines using the Azure portal.

While it's been designed as a next step for those who have taken my own AZ-900 course, this course serves as a fantastic complement to really any other AZ-900 course you may have taken, as well. As a matter of fact, this course also helps students prepare for the AZ-103 and AZ-104 exam as well.

If you've recently completed an AZ-900 course, this technical hands-on course is the perfect next step for you.

Course Overview

If you enroll in this course right now, you'll learn everything below.

  • An Introduction to Azure Virtual Machines

    Learn what VMs are and what purpose they serve. In addition, you'll learn about availability sets & availability zones. We'll also cover Azure VM SLAs.

  • Deploying a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure

    Learn about all of the options that you need to configure when deploying a Windows virtual machine in Azure. We'll cover every setting and every option that is available.

  • Deploying a Linux Virtual Machine in Azure

    Learn about all of the options that you need to configure when deploying a Linux virtual machine in Azure. We'll cover every setting and how to connect to a Linux VM via SSH.

  • Basic Management Tasks

    Learn how to perform basic VM management tasks, including stopping VMs, starting VMs, and restarting VMs. We'll also cover VM redeployment and VM resizing.

  • Snapshots and Images

    Learn how to take snapshots and images of virtual machines. Learn how to generalize them, and how to deploy new VMs from snapshots and generalized images.

  • Endpoint Protection for Virtual Machines

    Learn how to deploy software to a virtual machine via extensions, how to enable a VM for Insights, and how to backup and restore a virtual machine with Azure Backup.

Why Should You Enroll?

I have taught over 35,000 students across 200+ countries. When you enroll, you get everything you see over there on the right-hand side.

  • 3 HOURS OF VIDEO LECTURES: Learn how to deploy and manage Azure virtual machines from a 25-year veteran of the IT industry. Learn from someone who actually works with Azure!

  • HANDS-ON DEMONSTRATIONS: Instead of focusing on PowerPoint slides, this course dives right into the Azure portal to show you the fun stuff. You get to see things getting done. No theory here!

  • DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Some instructors will just tell you which buttons to click and which boxes to check. Tom provides detailed explanations as you progress through each lesson.

  • 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: Not happy with the course? Simply request a refund within 30 days

Course Curriculum

This Course Focuses on HANDS-ON Demonstrations

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • PROD-Course Intro

  • 2

    An Introduction to Azure Virtual Machines

    • PROD-Virtual Machine Overview

    • PROD-AvailSets and AvailZones

    • PROD-Service Level Agreements for Azure Virtual Machines

  • 3

    Deploying a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure

    • PROD-Section Intro - Deplyoing a Windows VM in Azure

    • PROD-Beginning the Deployment

    • PROD-Configuring the Basics

    • PRODFINAL-Configuring Disk Options

    • PROD-Configuring Networking Options2

    • PROD-Configuring Management Options

    • PROD-Configuring Advanced Options

    • PROD-Completing the Configuration

    • PROD-Connecting to a Virtual Machine

    • PROD-Section Conclusion - Deplyoing a Windows VM in Azure

  • 4

    Deploying a Linux Virtual Machine in Azure

    • PROD-Section Intro - Deplyoing a Linux VM in Azure

    • PROD-Configuring the Basics-LINUX

    • PROD-Configuring Disk Options-LINUX

    • PROD-Configuring Networking Options-LINUX

    • PROD-Configuring Management Options-LINUX

    • PROD-Completing the Configuration-LINUX

    • PROD-Connecting to a Virtual Machine-LINUX

    • PROD-Section Conclusion - Deplyoing a Linux VM in Azure

  • 5

    Managing Azure Virtual Machines

    • PROD-Section Intro - Managing Virtual MachinesV2

    • PROD-Virtual Machine Power States

    • FINAL-PROD-Basic Management Tasks

    • FINAL-PROD-Resizing a Virtual Machine

    • FINAL-PROD-Adding and Removing a Data Disk

    • PROD-Snapshotting a Virtual Machine

    • PROD-Deploying a VM from a Snapshot

    • PROD-Creating a VM Image

    • PROD-Deploying a VM from an Image

    • PROD-Adding and Removing a Network Interface

    • PROD-Tagging a VM

    • PROD-Section Conclusion - Managing Virtual Machines

  • 6

    Endpoint Protection for Virtual Machines

    • PROD-Installing Extensions

    • PROD-Enabling a VM for Insights


    • PROD-Restoring a VM

  • 7

    Wrap Up

    • Resource Cleanup

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  • $29.00 first payment, $19.00 / month onwards

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